Grande Cache

11 Oct: Dissolving Grande Cache

Grande Cache in Alberta, which touts itself as a mountain oasis surrounded by spectacular wilderness, has announced its intention to dissolve as an official municipality and fold into the surrounding Municipal District of Greenview. The reason for this decision is primarily sited because of the economic downturn in Alberta. Mayor Herb Castle noted that, “it’s…


21 Sep: The Importance of Establishing online Authority BEFORE an emergency

The Importance of Establishing online Authority BEFORE an emergency In times of non-emergency and “normal” daily operations of your municipality, where do your audiences go for sources of truth? Do they check the website for updates, follow the police department’s Twitter account, or look to the Mayor’s Facebook page for all the latest? Perhaps it’s…


14 Sep: In the Wake of Tragedy: Best Practices from Orlando’s Nightclub Shooting

The Orlando nightclub shooting in 2016 was a tragedy that touched people across the globe. Heather Fagan, City of Orlando; Kena Lewis, Orlando Health; and, Michelle Guido, Orlando Police put together a timeline of events, communications actions taken short and long-term, and lessons learned. Download this presentation, provided courtesy of the Ottawa Police Department, here.


25 Aug: When Municipal Decisions Cause Major Public Backlash – A City of Vaughan Case Study

When Municipal Decisions Cause Major Public Backlash – A City of Vaughan Case Study The City of Vaughan recently faced significant backlash over their decisions to abruptly pull an event permit and instead of being praised for putting the safety of residents first, were criticized and accused of racism. Carnival Kingdom was to take place…